Safety Production Start "The First Lesson" Live Activities

2024/02/20 16:25

In order to solidly carry out a good safety production start "the first lesson" activities, to prevent the resumption of production safety accidents during the resumption of production, hosted by the Provincial Emergency Department, Tai'an City Emergency Response Bureau, Taishan District People's Government to host the safety production start "the first lesson" live activities will be held on February 19, 2024 (Monday) 9:30 a.m. in Taishan District, Taian City, the live broadcast will invite relevant experts and part of the industry and trade enterprises mainly responsible for comrades interpretation of the start of the "first lesson" connotation of the meaning and the current situation of production safety, how to implement the main responsibility of the enterprise production safety and to promote the implementation of the work of production safety and other content, the Palm Taishan client will provide you with the information of the work of production safety and safety. Palm Taishan client will bring you live broadcast.

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