Safe production has always been the most basic management regulation of Taihe Power Group

2023/08/18 11:53

Safe production has always been the most basic management regulation of Taihe Power Group. The essence of safe production is to prevent various accidents during the production process. Safety work is the lifeline and happiness line of the company. If a company blindly pursues quality and progress without guaranteeing safety, then it will not take safety production as the management goal, there will be no benefits, there will be no stable development of the company and the family happiness of employees. Therefore, only strict control Only by ensuring safe production of fine tubes can we ensure safe production, maximize the company's economic benefits, and better maintain the company's strong development momentum.

Responsibility is the magic sword to promote the implementation of various rules and regulations and tasks. If the responsibility is not clearly assigned to everyone, everyone will have no constraints, no pressure, and no motivation, which will easily lead to buck-passing and futility. Therefore, we must To successfully complete various tasks, responsibilities must be strengthened. Through the establishment of a sound post responsibility system and the quantitative decomposition of various tasks, each post has a responsibility, and each task is decomposed layer by layer, so as to achieve clear rights and responsibilities and clear responsibilities. In line with the principle of "who owns the territory, who is responsible", we must consciously perform our own duties in order to play a role of demonstration and supervision. Those who cannot strictly perform their duties and complete tasks on time must be investigated according to the regulations, so that they can be seated according to their numbers and treated equally. In order to ensure that there is pressure at all levels, work is motivated, everything is implemented, responsibility is strengthened, and everything is managed by someone.

All departments regard improving the safety awareness of employees and completely eliminating habitual violations as the focus of safety management, carry out a variety of safety education activities, organize all employees to participate actively, and improve employees' safety awareness. Every year, all departments organize all employees to study safety accident cases intensively, and visit and study in due course, so as to take precautions and strengthen employees' safety awareness. Carry out free discussions in the personal accident prevention team on time every month, and change what I want to be safe to what I want to be safe. At the weekly meetings of each department, the directors of each area will report and summarize the potential safety hazards in the maintenance work, and set tasks and goals for step-by-step rectification. Each department holds a safety production morning meeting every day, so that every employee can participate and learn and communicate about unsafe factors in the work. The above series of measures enable every employee to realize the importance of safe production from the bottom of their hearts, which greatly improves the overall safety awareness.

In short, the safety production work of an enterprise is a long-term work that needs constant attention. To achieve safe production in a real sense and prevent all kinds of accidents, we still need the high sense of responsibility of our leaders at all levels and all employees. We must firmly establish the concept of "people-oriented, safety first", seek truth and be pragmatic, and truly grasp Work hard, guard against arrogance, guard against impetuosity, prevent floating, ensure safe production, maintain the overall stable situation of safe production, and unremittingly summarize and explore, laying a reliable foundation for the company's full completion of various tasks throughout the year and laying a solid foundation for the company's safety. A strong guarantee of production and economic prosperity.

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