Taihe Power Group Implements The Three-Year Action Of Work Safety Treatment And Prevention

2024/03/28 13:56

On 27 March, Taihe Power Group held the 2024 Work Conference on Work Safety and the Mobilisation and Deployment Meeting of the Three-Year Action Plan for Work Safety Governance to convey the spirit of the documents related to work safety from the higher level, inform the Group of the work on safety and environmental protection in the first quarter, analyse the current situation of work safety, and carry out the deployment of work for the implementation of the key tasks of the Three-Year Action Plan for Work Safety Governance and the key points of the work for the year of 2024.

Taihe Power Group Implements The Three-Year Action Of Work Safety Treatment And Prevention

 The meeting requested that, firstly, we should persistently grasp the attack one by one and seek breakthroughs one by one, make efforts to reduce safety risks, and resolutely eliminate hidden accidents formed due to the lack of risk management and control measures or the implementation of inadequate measures; secondly, we should make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses in the areas of safety concepts, safety responsibility, safety planning, safety rule of law, safety standards, safety quality, etc., so as to effectively improve the work of safety in production by treating the symptoms as well as the root causes and focusing on the root causes. Thirdly, through the three-year action, the Group's production safety organisation and management will be more powerful, safety management will be more refined, job safety responsibility system will be more perfect, risk and hidden danger investigation and rectification implementation will be more effective, and the work foundation will be more solid.

Taihe Power Group Implements The Three-Year Action Of Work Safety Treatment And Prevention

Taihe Power Group Implements The Three-Year Action Of Work Safety Treatment And Prevention

  As a next step, Taihe Power will resolutely implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, tighten the responsibility, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, with a more resolute attitude, more pragmatic initiatives, more hard style, to win and fight this battle, to guard and keep the bottom line of safety production, and to create a more secure and stable environment for the group's high-quality development!

Taihe Power Group Implements The Three-Year Action Of Work Safety Treatment And Prevention

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